Friends of the Palo Alto Library
Shelf Pictures January 2025 Sale
Vintage Children's Books

brought to you by section manager Lisa Heitman

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Please note that by the time of the sale, some books may have been rearranged to other shelves or moved to other sections.
There is no guarantee that a book will be exactly where these pictures show.
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December means "holidays" and we have LOTS of Christmas books (both religious and Santa-based) for both big and small readers. We also have a small collection of books on Hanukkah that may be of interest. If you're thinking a vintage children's book (or books!) is just the thing for someone on your holiday list, check out the following: 14 volume set of The History of the United States (New World to FDR) by American Heritage, 8 volume set of a Picturesque Tale of Progress, or a 14 volume Childcraft encyclopedia. All of them are in great shape and of great value. Also giftable are a couple of L. Frank Baum Oz books (Cowardly Lion of Oz, Land of Oz, and Emerald City of Oz) and many hardback and paperback books featuring Charles Schultz's Peanuts and the Gang. All this in addition to the usual varied assortment that makes up children's vintage

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