For the upcoming sale, the Sociology/Anthropology section offers 520 books.
Although all of them deserve attention,
I will point to two books whose topics seem most relevant to current events.
The Sociology of Criminology sub-section features Our Criminal Society:
The Social and Legal Sources of Crime in America by Edwin M. Schur.
This is how a
reader describes the book
first published in 1969:
“Schur’s authoritative analysis of criminological findings shows that if Americans really want to curb crime,
they must act now to promote massive social and economic changes, reassess basic values, and reform the principles of criminal law.”
In the U.S.: Self-Reflection sub-section, you will find another authoritative study:
Samuel Huntington’s Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity.
In the book, a renowned American political scientist and historian
writes about
“an identity crisis … as he examines the impact other civilizations and their values are having on our own country.”
Note that the following overflow shelf of Sociology is located on the other side of Aisle A2