Friends of the Palo Alto Library
Shelf Pictures January 2025 Sale

Personally selected by the new FOPAL President-Elect Henry Yu.
He knows where the good stuff is.

Sale Information Antiques & Collections, Crafts, & Home Improvement Art & Architecture Computers Cooking Curated Vinyl Records Curious Books Health History Humor Judaica Philosophy Poetry Science Fiction Sheet Music Sociology/Anthropology/Archaeology Specials STEM - Popular Science STEM - Science STEM - Technology & Engineering STEM - Mathematics Vintage Children's Books

Please note that by the time of the sale, some books may have been rearranged to other shelves or moved to other sections.
There is no guarantee that a book will be exactly where these pictures show.
Please give it some time for the detailed pictures to download.

FOPAL President-elect Henry wants to call your attention to these shelves of really cool books.
Let him know if you want any of these sections done every month by emailing:

Music CDs

brought to you by section manager John Scheibe

At the December FOPAL sale, the CD section will be selling NEW CD's - CD's sealed in the MFG's original shrink wrap. Selections include Rock, Jazz, Classical, New Age AND 10 Taylor Swift CD's. Prices of these items are a fraction (1/4 to 1/2) of the prices of the same items listed for sale on Amazon. Pick up NEW (not used) CD"s at GREAT prices! Maybe a Christmas gift for someone?

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